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Российского государственного гидрометеорологического университета

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Lake Ecosystems under Pressure: Processes and Impacts

The University of Geneva and Irkutsk State University will organize a Swiss-Russian international summer school on the processes and impacts of lake ecosystems under pressure. The school will take place between August 21st-31st, 2105 on the shore of Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest and oldest lake rich in biodiversity. This lake represents a unique “natural laboratory” to explore the structure and function of large water bodies. It is subjected to important anthropogenic pressure and responds strongly to climate change.

The Summer School 2015 in Limnology is organized within the framework of bilateral collaboration in science and technology between Switzerland and Russia, with the University of Geneva as Swiss "Leading House" and the EPFL as the "Associate Leading House". The Summer School participates in promoting academic networking and exchange between both countries. It takes place in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in Water Resources.

Summer School Objectives

The purpose of the school is to bring together scientific experts, young researchers and advanced level students to exchange and share knowledge and experience in the lake ecosystem research with a specific focus on processes and impacts.


The program includes lectures, field trips, laboratory work and case studies under the direction of Russian, Swiss and foreign top researchers. The summer school provides a unique opportunity for Master and doctoral students and young researchers to obtain a hands-on, interdisciplinary training experience with an integrative approach, combining analysis and prognosis of geological, physical, chemical, biological and ecotoxicological aspects in lake under anthropogenic pressure in a changing environment. The school offers networking opportunities for future transboundary collaborations, an essential skill for prospective environmental science specialists. It is also expected to provide new learning experience and be beneficial for both personal development and future career prospects of students.


The summer school organization is co-chaired by University of Geneva and Irkutsk State University, which is underpinned by international scientific committee.

Organising committee
V. Slaveykova (co-chair, University of Geneva, Switzerland);
A. Matveev (co-chair, Irkutsk State University, Russia)
M. Timofeyev (co-chair, Irkutsk State University, Russia)
V. Khakhinov (Buryat State University, Russia)
T. Lichtovannaya (Irkutsk State University, Russia)
J. L. Loizeau (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Scientific committee
V. I. Slaveykova (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
J. L. Loizeau (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
B. Ibelings (University of Geneva, Switzerland and GLEON)
A. F. Wüest (EPFL and eawag, Switzerland)
A. Matveev (Irkutsk State University, Russia)
M. Timofeyev (Irkutsk State University, Russia)
O. Timoshkin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia)
V. Khakhinov (Buryat State University, Russia)
B. Montuelle (INRA, France)
T. Villemin (University of Savoie, France)
W. Windhorse (University of Kiel, Germany)

Target Audience

Master, doctoral students and young researchers.


Participation fee is 150 Euros. Participants are responsible for their own travel to and from Irkutsk.

Participants from Russia are invited to contact the school organizers:, or

More information here:

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(прогноз РГГМУ)

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